FS Membership – Buon Fresco Foundations: FULL SET – 5 Volumes Bundle

(2 customer reviews)


Fresco School (FS) Membership includes:
1. Buon Fresco Foundations Tutorials DVD Set (5 DVD Volumes)
2. Free phone consultation with a Fresco School Expert.
3. Permanent 5% 10% Discount on FrescoShop.com

(to make FS Membership purchase from outside of USA, Canada or GB, please Contact Us)

alternatively: FS Membership with Fresco Painting Tools & Materials Starter Kit

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FS Membership – The Buon Fresco Painting Foundations 5 DVD Set is a highly detailed tutorial and real-time demonstration of foundational steps in painting on wet plaster – afresco. Over 10 hours of real-time footage (replayed at higher speed to fit the DVD), numerous charts, text and illustrations, narrated real-time by the author iLia Anossov.

iLia Anossov’s Malibu Fresco project has been featured on the covers of premier international magazines including Architectural Digest (AD) USA, AD Germany, AD Italy, House and Garden UK, C Magazine USA and others. Currently iLia Anossov is teaching fresco painting at the Fresco School and the GETTY Institute in Los Angeles

Fresco School (FS) Membership includes:
1. Buon Fresco Foundations Tutorials DVD Set (5 DVD Volumes)
2. Free phone consultation with a Fresco School Expert.
3. Permanent 5% 10% Discount on FrescoShop.com

How to get free consultation and discount:

1 – Add FS Membership with BFF Video Tutorials set (5 volumes) to the Shopping Cart and, upon checkout, choose to create an account and checkout. (If you already have an account at FrescoShop.com – login).
2 – Upon successful payment, you will see FS Membership discount applied to every item for your future checkouts automatically (you may need to re-login and/or refresh the page).
3 – Watch every video in sequence (or random, its up to you)
4 – Come back to FrescoShop.com and get materials you need and paint a few practice frescoes.
5 – Take notes of what you would like to learn in addition to what is in the tutorial
6 – Watch the whole set and check your notes, chances are you will find that answers to some questions are there, you just missed them on the first run. If you want to get a better value from the consultation, repeat steps 3 to 4 🙂
7 – Organize your notes and questions again.
8 – Email us the list of your questions – reply to your original purchase receipt-email or use the Contact Form (here).
9 – You will receive an email reply, usually in 2-3 days with the available time to call Fresco School for the consultation.

You can skip any of the steps except the first one! However, for the best value – be completely prepared – watch videos and paint a few practice pieces prior to call!


For more support options – Join Fresco School OnLine Apprentice (FSOA) Program @ www.FrescoSchool.net


Buon Fresco Foundations: FULL SET – 5 Volumes Bundle

Full all 5 Volumes Price
$374.95 – Bundle Price $325.00

Upon purchase you are automatically placed in FS MEMBER GROUP – you will see 10% across the store immediately after this purchase!

Buon Fresco Foundations: Volume 1 – FRESCO PLASTER

Buon Fresco Foundations: Volume 2 – FRESCO CARTOON

Buon Fresco Foundations: Volume 3 – FRESCO PIGMENTS & PAINT

Buon Fresco Foundations: Volume 4 – FRESCO PAINTING – VERDACCIO

Buon Fresco Foundations: Volume 5 – FRESCO PAINTING – COLOR

————————————————————————— Topics Covered:

Fresco Tools & Materials
Fresco Lime Putty
Plaster Ratios & Coats
Plaster Mixing & Application
Arriccio & Intonaco Coats
Paint Ready” Tests
Storing Fresco Plaster
Fresco Support Options

Fresco Cartoon Tools & Materials
Fresco Cartoon Format & Application
Sketching Views for Choice
Value Range and Light
Core and Cast Shadows
Principles of Perspective
Composition and Giornatas
Drawing for Painting Foundations
Cartoon to Plaster Transfer Methods

Natural & Synthetic Fresco Pigments
Testing Pigments for Fresco Painting
Fresco Pigments Grinding & Storing
Lime White & Preparation and Use
Preparing Paints and Color Tones
Paints for Transparent & Impasto Painting
Principles of Building Layers
Flesh Tones & General Color Principle

Principles of Underpainting
Underpainting Color
Verdaccio Color Variations
Process of Verdaccio Underpainting
Background Details
Highlights & Shadows
Adding Light & Shadow accents
Final Adjustments

Base Colors
Building Color Tones
Opaque vs Transparent Color
Building Highlights
Adjusting Tone and Details
Adding Color to Shadows
Adding Highlight & Shadow Accents
Final Adjustments

Library Special – Buy 1 get 1 Free – Only for Libraries, Universities, Colleges and Schools

How to qualify:

If you represent a library, university, college or school, please register an account with email address ending with .edu or library email and send us request to be added to “University” group stating your position. Once added, log in to the site and you will see “Library Special Set” available for purchase.

REVIEWS ———————–

“Honestly is the most complete work I have ever seen regarding the technique
of fresco. I mean, you are even explaining the right amount of paint that should
be on the brush? When I was going to school to learn how to be a conservator,
most things that you are explaining so well, I had to figure out by myself so
any one that can get hold of this, should be perfectly ready to start to work.
No excuses!”

Elisabetta C. P. an Italian conservator,
worked on the “Last Supper” by Da Vinci and frescoes by Tiepolo

“I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful set of instructional DVD’s about
Fresco! They are so thorough and the real time capturing the very physical
nature of the prep work and actual painting are invaluable. As a teacher,
I wonder myself about doing such a project for oil painting. Bravo for your
investment of time and effort!”

Liza B., an artist and faculty at the New York Academy of Art


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Professional consultation may include live application/preparation demo and best practices advise.

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2 reviews for FS Membership – Buon Fresco Foundations: FULL SET – 5 Volumes Bundle

  1. FrescoShop

    “Honestly is the most complete work I have ever seen regarding the technique of fresco. I mean, you are even explaining the right amount of paint that should be on the brush? When I was going to school to learn how to be a conservator, most things that you are explaining so well, I had to figure out by myself so any one that can get hold of this, should be perfectly ready to start to work.
    No excuses!”

    Elisabetta C. P. an Italian conservator,
    worked on the “Last Supper” by Da Vinci and frescoes by Tiepolo

  2. FrescoShop

    “I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful set of instructional DVD’s about Fresco! They are so thorough and the real time capturing the very physical nature of the prep work and actual painting are invaluable. As a teacher, I wonder myself about doing such a project for oil painting. Bravo for your investment of time and effort!”

    Liza B., an artist and faculty at the New York Academy of Art

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