Extra-Mature Fresco Lime Putty (aged over 4 years) of the highest quality prepared from pure calcium carbonate. The main Lime Putty we use in our studio. This is the finest lime putty for intonaco and other plaster coats, also known as “crema di calce” – micronized lime putty.
In addition to being extra aged, the special process of pulverization of the quick lime rocks prior to slaking facilitates the process and allows putty to mature years earlier.
This putty is also used for variety of plaster finishes such as marmorino, Venetian stucco, sgraffito, and scagliola.
This is the LIME PUTTY – NOT A PLASTER, you need to mix it with aggregate (sand and/or marble meal, etc.) in a desired proportion/ratio.
Medium Bucket – 10kg
(makes about 20 sq. feet of the fresco plaster for walls and 5 – 6 lightweight 20″X20″ fresco panels or 20+ of 16″X16″ fresco tiles)
Shipped in air tight bucket and can be stored under the layer of water in the same bucket indefinitely.

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